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About Us

Time to Get Connected To The Most Irresistible North American Gay Phone Lines

PrideLineChat creates the best platform where Gay Men can get connected with like minded people. You will be able to find gay men of your choice and all that it takes now is a phone call. It does not matter whether you are looking for hardcore gay men or for straight guys looking for gay relationship, PrideLineChat is your ultimate gay destination where you can enjoy unmatched gay phone chat which can possibly lead on to passionate meetings with gay men in your city.

PrideLineChat allows you to create your own personal greetings to make your gay phone chat line interesting. You will also be able to manage your mailbox in easy few clicks using PrideLineChat user interface. You can choose the most apt PrideLineChat category that will tell the users who you are and proceed with the recording of your personal greeting.

You can also enjoy sending unlimited messages to the other members that you have hooked on to from any part of the world and at anytime. You have total control over your mail box.

Enjoy connecting with gay men locally or nationally keeping your identity guarded!

At PrideLineChat you can now search for hot gay men in your city or in the other cities and engage them through phone chat line. You can make all your hidden desires come true. Get connected to as many gay men as you like in the most discreet way. Your identity is totally guarded here.

Get Connected With Gay Men Of Your Preferred Language (English / Spanish)

PrideLineChat gives you the complete freedom to find and connect to gay men of your preferred language. You can connect with Spanish speaking gay men or English speaking gay men, it is totally up to you.

Manage Your Connections And Hook Ups Easily

You can mark your favorites and you will be able to know easily when your favorite connections are online helping you get back in touch with them without missing them when they are online.

Mobile Alerts When New Connections Are Online

You can now set up mobile alerts to notify you through SMS when your most desirable hot gay guy is on the line so that you can hook up with him for an exciting and sensuous gay phone chat.

Know Who Is Interested In You

It is always exciting to find out who is interested in you. PrideLineChat alerts you when someone is interested to connect with you. You will get instant message alerts when someone sends a new message wanting to connect to you and when a new message is sent to your mailbox.